Saturday, June 5, 2010

Worth Being Created

This is an awesome quote from the book I just finished reading, The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance. I read it after writing my last post, and it fits so perfectly with the subject matter that I have to post it.
My entire life, I had defined myself by how others perceived me. I needed more than a mantra to change this habit. So I decided to pray about it. I didn't pray to be skinny (I'd tried that one a million times before); instead I prayed to be able to see myself through God's eyes so that I could realize my potential. I did this every day for a year, and I can't tell you how or why it worked, but eventually something just clicked and I felt like something greater than me, some force from on high, loved me tremendously. And this feeling encouraged me to let go. I stopped using my weight as the trigger for a downward spiral of self-loathing. What was the point if it only made me feel bad? Instead, I accepted the way I looked. Not completely, because that's impossible, but I considered myself in a way I never had before, as an actual child of God, someone worth being created.
- Elna Baker

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