Sherwood is my favorite band right now. Because they're pretty much amazing. I saw them in Provo last October, and I thought they were even better live, so when I found out that they were coming to Salt Lake on July 14, I knew that I had to be there. Luckily, I know a few people who also like Sherwood, like my friend Jillian.
After much waiting, Sherwood finally came on. It took forever, especially since I really didn't enjoy the opening acts. The second band sucked the worst. They really liked the F-word (not in their music, but when they were chatting up the audience), and I really don't like being called a mother effer.
But it was all worth it. As soon as Sherwood came on and started playing, I realized just how much I love this band. I think the best part was that the worst expletive we heard them say was "hell." A nice comparison to hearing the F-bomb 49 times.
But it was all worth it. As soon as Sherwood came on and started playing, I realized just how much I love this band. I think the best part was that the worst expletive we heard them say was "hell." A nice comparison to hearing the F-bomb 49 times.
The concert was pretty freaking amazing. I loved it. Sherwood played a couple songs from their new album that were so awesome! I bought their new EP, and I love it. I can't wait for the new album to come out.
We actually got to talk to some of the band members. Not for very long, but for a bit, thanks to the fact that Dan knows my brother-in-law Ben and that my brother Matt is super social and likes to talk to people (especially cool people). The guys in the band are really cool, and they were way nice. Joe, the drummer, even gave Matt a drumstick after the show, which I thought was pretty cool. They all kind of just hang out after the show so they can give autographs and take pictures. There weren't even a lot of people vying for their attention, either, so we got to actually talk to them a bit.
With Dan
With Nate
We actually got to talk to some of the band members. Not for very long, but for a bit, thanks to the fact that Dan knows my brother-in-law Ben and that my brother Matt is super social and likes to talk to people (especially cool people). The guys in the band are really cool, and they were way nice. Joe, the drummer, even gave Matt a drumstick after the show, which I thought was pretty cool. They all kind of just hang out after the show so they can give autographs and take pictures. There weren't even a lot of people vying for their attention, either, so we got to actually talk to them a bit.
I wanted to get my EP signed by the whole band, but when I was waiting for a bunch of people who were getting Nate's autograph, his pen ran out. So only Dan and Mikey signed my EP, which was really sad. But Nate told us that they are coming to Provo soon, so I'm taking my EP and my own dang pen! I'm not going to get stuck without autographs again.
I found out today that Sherwood is indeed coming to Provo again . . . in two weeks. On August 3rd they will be playing at Velour, and I can't wait. I'm getting more pictures and autographs. And no, two concerts in a month is not even close to overkill. Stoked doesn't even begin to describe my excitement.
Pictures courtesy of Jillian (minus the last one).
Pictures courtesy of Jillian (minus the last one).
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