Friday, February 17, 2012


Day Thirty-Three: Things that make you scared.

This can be a loaded question. Mostly because I have a tendency to be afraid of a lot of things. Growing up, I had major anxiety about pretty much everything. School stressed me out, church callings stressed me out, and sometimes social situations stressed me out. When I started driving, it mortified me. I was terrified of it. I didn't get more comfortable with it until I went to college.

As I've gotten older, I've gotten over a lot of that anxiety. I'm not quite as high-strung anymore. But there are things that still scare me. Spiders, for instance. Those nasty, eight-legged things freak me out. Heights also make me really nervous. I am also claustrophobic. Not debilitatingly so, but enough that I could go into a panic if I'm forced into a really small space. 

On a less concrete level, I am afraid of failure. I'm afraid of majorly screwing something important up, like something at work or a relationship. I'm also afraid of getting stuck. Stuck in a dead-end job, stuck in student housing, stuck in Provo. I want change, though that can be scary too. But change isn't as scary as being stagnant.

I'm also afraid of being alone. Not mortally afraid, mind you—if I'm single for a long time, I'll handle it. I'm strong, and I'll be okay. But it is a scary prospect. I don't want to be alone. I want to find someone to share my life with so I can start a family. I'd rather not be an old mom, if I can help it.

I can't think of many other things that really scare me. I'm sure there are others, but this will have to do now.

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