Sunday, January 10, 2010

My First Foray Into Baking

I went to a friend's house for dinner tonight (which was so much fun), and I wanted to take something to contribute, so I decided to try out all of the cupcake stuff I got for Christmas. I decided to try the Sour Cream Blueberry cupcakes, a recipe that came from this cookbook:


I started by making the whipped cream, so it could stay in the fridge while I baked the cupcakes. I had never made whipped cream before, but it turned out to be super easy. Plus, it gave me a reason to use my new hand mixer!



Homemade whipped cream is the best. Seriously. I had to force myself not to eat it by the spoonful.

After I finished that, I moved on to the cupcake batter. All of the cupcakes in the cookbook use cake mixes, so they are super easy to make. Which is great for a beginner like me.

The batter was really, really sticky, so it was kind of hard to get it into the liners, but I think I managed all right.




I even got to use my awesome cupcake carrier, which I was pretty excited about. I might have to get myself another one of these.

In the end, I only ended up eating two cupcakes. Thank heavens. I managed to give all of the other ones away to various people, which I was happy about because it made sure I didn't eat them all myself. I think I understand the appeal of baking now . . . I'm already thinking about which cupcakes I want to try next.


J+S said...

Is that cupcake book by Wendy Paul? If so, Amazon will be delivering that to my doorstep any day now!

Lindy said...

It certainly is!

Faith said...

AND they were mm-mm-good!!

Jeanine's blog said...

Lindy, you didn't mention that your cupcake book by Wendy Paul is even signed for you by the author. I'm glad you are enjoying your gifts. Who knows, your blog may end up a cooking blog! :)

J+S said...

My cupcake book by Wendy Paul came today. You should start recording Studio 5 and Good Things Utah because she is on those shows all the time.