Thursday, February 3, 2011


Day 23: 15 facts about you.

In no particular order:
  1. I absolutely hate being tailgated. There is no faster way to get expletives to escape my mouth than to tailgate me on the highway—especially when I'm already speeding.
  2. I. love. shoes. From my perch on my bed, I can see sixteen pairs of shoes in my closet. And that's not even half of them. I could probably buy a new pair of shoes everyday. Fortunately, I don't.
  3. I rock at Rock Band. I really do. I can pretty much play any song on expert for guitar. Just sayin'.
  4. When I watch sports, I yell. A lot. I yell loudest when I'm actually at the game, but I'm still plenty loud when I'm watching from home.
  5. I re-read every single thing I write. Texts, blog posts, Facebook comments . . . I have to make sure there are no mistakes before I send anything anywhere.
  6. I have a Twitter account. It's true. @fabelhaftfrau
  7. I love Claddagh rings, and I wear mine correctly. I am only slightly Irish, but that matters none to me.
  8. My ideal man is a brown-eyed brunette who loves sports (a lot), but also loves movies, books, and music, and can hold intelligent conversations about all of the above.
  9. I hate going to the dentist. Dentists scare me. I haven't been in two years, and before that, it had been five years. Maybe I've been watching too much Little Shop of Horrors. 
  10. I kind of like the idea of being famous. Or of marrying someone who's famous. *cough* Jimmer! *cough*
  11. I would really like to live on my own. I want to decorate my own place, fill my own fridge, and dirty my own dishes. Unfortunately, my current finances preclude me from making that jump.
  12. I think Jackson Emery (BYU's other senior guard) is hot. It's too bad he's married.
  13. When I have the choice, I almost always choose wheat bread. I much prefer it to white, and I always have.
  14. I get headaches all the time, and I have to take at least four ibuprofen to kick them. Two is never enough.
  15. I keep ticket stubs from everything I go to. I get really mad when I get online tickets that I have to print out instead of getting real, legit tickets.

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