Monday, January 31, 2011

I may not be as crazy as I seem.

Day 20: The meaning behind your blog name.

A few years ago, I was in a Shakespeare class at BYU. I wrote a paper on Kenneth Branagh's full-text film adaptation of Hamlet (which is amazing, by the way). At one point, when Hamlet is intentionally making Polonius think he's crazy, Polonius mutters, "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't." That line ended up being the title of my paper, seeing as how it's a major theme of the play.

I just really like this line. I know the fool is the one who says it (because he's pretty slow on the uptake), but it still fits. Sometimes I act a little crazy. I get obsessed about random things. I start laughing for no apparent reason. I love to read. I can be a complete girlie girl one minute and start gabbing about basketball stats the next. I am often a study in contradiction.

While things about me may not make sense at first glance, if given a little time, I will start to make plenty of sense. There is method to my madness—you just have to stick around long enough to figure out what that method is.

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