Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm gonna need a hacksaw.

Day 14: A TV show you're currently addicted to.

I'm not entirely sure how it happened, but I completely missed out on the 24 craze back when it was still on TV. Though, in a way, I'm glad I didn't discover it until I randomly decided to add the series to my Netflix instant queue. I can now watch it whenever I want to watch it, and I don't have to wait a week between episodes (though this can also be considered a bad thing, such as when I watch six episodes in a row, and when I consider that I'm only on season two and I have six more seasons to go).

24 pretty much hijacked my life last week. I watched seventeen episodes in about six days. If I hadn't been so busy yesterday, I probably would have watched a few more. I mean, I have to finish season two this week, right?

Basically, Jack Bauer is ridiculously badass, which makes him ridiculously sexy. It's interesting—I don't think Kiefer Sutherland is a particularly attractive man (I generally prefer brunettes), but as Jack Bauer, the man is HOT. I think it has something to do with the way he just takes over a situation and does what he has to to fix things—it's so manly. (I have a thing for super masculine men. I couldn't go for a femmy guy—it's so not attractive.)

I just like watching Jack Bauer kick some major ass, that's all.

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