Saturday, February 18, 2012

Getting Better All the Time

Day Thirty-Four: Something that never fails to make you feel better.

It took me awhile to think of something that absolutely never fails to make me feel better, and I finally figured it out: my nieces and nephews. I'm not sure why it took me so long to remember that, but it is definitely the truth. Whenever I'm feeling down or stressed or blah, my nieces and nephews can usually pull me out of it. They're just so dang cute! They laugh and run around like maniacs and cry and basically just distract me from whatever it is that's weighing me down. I love those little ones more than pretty much anything else.

Another thing that can usually pull me out of a rut is music. If I can find a song that displays exactly how I am feeling, it does wonders for me, mostly because it's nice to know that somewhere out in the vast world, someone else has felt the same way I'm feeling. They felt it so strongly that they decided to turn it into art. That art was then bravely thrown into the universe and found its way to me. If someone that I have never even seen feels so strongly about an emotion to put it to music, it makes me feel a little better about my intense emotions.

Reading also makes me feel better. Or, if it doesn't actually make me feel better, than it makes me forget about whatever is going on in my life. I can lose myself in a good book and simply forget about all my issues. It's a fabulous escape.

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