Sunday, February 12, 2012


Day Twenty-Eight: Your last kiss.

Truthfully? I don't remember when my last kiss was. I honestly don't. I think it was in March. Of 2007. Yeah. Thanks, blog challenge, for making me be brutally honest with myself and show all 15 people who read my blog just how lame I am. And how not exciting my last kiss was, since I can't even remember the events surrounding it. Not that it was exactly a good point in my relationship. I broke up with the guy a month later. So I guess it's understandable that I wouldn't really remember the details.

Though maybe I'm not lame. Maybe I'm just holding out for someone good. I don't really want my next kiss to be some noncommittal thing that doesn't mean anything. Though there are times when I think maybe that's what I want, I'm pretty sure I'm just fooling myself. I think I would feel terrible if I had a NCMO. I would feel guilty and I wouldn't like myself. That's just not the kind of person I am.

The next time I kiss someone, I will most likely be in a relationship with him. That's just how I roll. I'm not a super flirty girl who gets a lot of action. I never have been, and I don't see that changing any time soon. Physical contact with a guy scares me, actually. I have a really hard time breaking that touch barrier.  It's not that I don't like being touched—it just means something to me, which makes it more difficult for me to do it flippantly.

Well, I think that's enough embarrassing details about my life for now. Don't judge, mmkay?

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