Saturday, November 12, 2011

Giving Thanks Day 12: Brothers

Today was gameday. BYU played Idaho at LaVell Edwards Stadium, which means I saw my brothers and my dad. Football is a bit of a family affair for us. The four of us get our season tickets together. Dad drives over to Ben's house, then they both drive to Matt's. Then Matt drives them down to Provo to pick me up. If it's an early game, we grab food afterward. If it's a late game (like it was yesterday), we grab dinner before. It's just the way things work.

When my brothers and I get together, we suddenly regress 20 years. I'm suddenly the 4-year-old again, while Matt is 9 and Ben is 13. Dad mostly just rolls his eyes as our stadium seats become weapons and insults are thrown back and forth.

Despite the verbal (and sometimes physical) abuse, I'm thankful for my brothers. They're both pretty awesome guys who do their best to do what's right by their families. It's been pretty cool to watch them figure out how to be dads. I love watching them play with their kids because their love for their children is so apparent.

As much as we might argue and tease, I know that my brothers love me, and I love them. They would do anything for me and can be very protective at times. I'm so thankful to have such a good relationship with my brothers. I'm also thankful to know that I have a brother on the other side of the veil who's cheering me on and watching over me. I may not have had the chance to know Bobby in this life, but I know his love for me is just as real as my living brothers'. I can't wait for the day when I will get to have all three of my brothers in the next life.

Ben and his littlest. 

Matt and his two rugrats. 

My big brother Bobby.

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