Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks Day 24: Mom

First of all, happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday with people you love. And speaking of people I love, my mom is the greatest. I woke up this morning to a house smelling of all the Thanksgiving smells you could think of: ham, turkey, stuffing, rolls, pie....It's amazing how so many different smells can coalesce into one (still good) aroma that brings so many memories and feelings.

All of this food was prepared by my mom. The entire meal, barring a couple of sides and pies. I have no idea what time she got up to get everything done, but she let me sleep until noon. She didn't roust me out of bed to help like she could have. And even after I got up, she let me lounge around in my pajamas for a good couple of hours before I finally decided to be a human being and look decent.

I have such a good mom. She has always, always been there for me whenever I need it. I can talk to her about anything. Even as a teenager when I did things I knew I shouldn't have done, I could talk to Mom about it. Even though I knew I would get in trouble, I also knew that Mom would be supportive and that she wouldn't fly off the handle. I don't think I took advantage of that blessing enough when I was younger. I know so many people that have a hard time talking to their moms about issues, and all I can ever think is how grateful I am for a mom I can confide in.

I am just now coming to realize a portion of what my mom went through when I was a teenager. I honestly have no idea how she dealt with some of the stupid things I did, especially when I wouldn't listen to any of her advice. She must have been stressed out of her head for me, and I didn't even know it.

My mom has also been an incredible example to me of how to live faithfully in the Church. She has never really doubted the truthfulness of the Gospel, and that has been such a strength to me and for my own growing testimony as I grew up. I am so thankful for a loving mom who is always there when I need her. I am so thankful that she and my dad have such a strong relationship and that I had the incredible blessing of growing up in a stable home environment. I love my mom so much, and I can't say how thankful I am for all the countless things she has done for me.

After the braces came off. She doesn't look excited at all, does she?

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